When most people hear bingo night, they think of old people in a big hall playing bingo, and the idea isn't very exciting. However, our bingo night continues to be one of our most popular socials, with big turnouts of members and guests, and a night packed of good food, fun, games, and prizes! To kick off the night we had some amazing Korean BBQ, and then quickly got into our bingo. Everyone had their own mini board and plenty of energy to spare. Many spent the night yelling at the caller what numbers they needed and being slightly disappointed that their number didn't magically turn up, but most won at least one prize, and everyone got a small prize for participating. By the end of the night though everyone was laughing with each other at how they just needed one number to win and groaning together about how that one number never got called. Overall, it was an incredible night, and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves! If you weren't able to make it we hope to see at the next social and/or bingo night next year!