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Halloween at Salt Lake Shopping Center

On Saturday October 26th, 2019 the Salt Lake Shopping Center held their annual Halloween Event for the local community. The event had many fun activities for both families and young children. Our members helped set up the photo booth where children and families took many halloween pictures throughout the event. We also were given the amazing opportunity to register and judge custom contests for kids up to the age of twelve. Throughout the day we were able to see many amazing costumes, help children celebrate a fun holiday, and give people of all ages a extra chance to smile. This goes for the community, the amazing staff that put on this event, the local stores that were involved, and our own members. Everyone at that event was happy to be here and we are extremely grateful to everyone who helped make is possible axs well as everyone from Disney Ohana Club that came out and helped support the local community.

until next time Mouseketeers!

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